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Zero Emissions Brisbane

Represented by Vicki McLeod, Co-founder


How does your organisation address climate change?

Zero Emissions Brisbane (ZEBne) aims to lead community action on climate change for a safe climate future in a timeframe that reflects the urgency of the challenge - so we may share the benefits of a safe climate future.

Our priorities for the next 6 months are to:

1. Advocate the Climate Council’s scientifically based target be adopted for the City of Brisbane:

  • That is a 75% reduction by 2030 and Net zero emissions in Brisbane by 2035.

2. Build partnerships and a supporter base. We are doing this by:

  • Growing our network of volunteers and citizen scientists;
  • Facilitating Ward-based community outreach and organisation;
  • Identifying and working with academics and professionals on discrete projects;
  • Building Partnerships with other climate advocacy groups and Zero Net Communities; and,
  • Meeting with BCC Councillors and other Local Govt representatives.

3. Develop a 100% Renewable Energy Brisbane Roadmap:

  • Electricity consumption is the largest, the easiest and most cost-effective way to reduce carbon emissions across Brisbane.
  • ZEBne with the assistance of academics and volunteer citizen scientists, are collecting data and undertaking emissions profile analysis. To serve as both a baseline and means to identify opportunities and priorities for action and on a Ward-by-Ward basis.
  • Identification of priority actions and investment ready projects including shared assets like Local Batteries, Solar Gardens and e-mobility.
  • Advocacy around the Roadmap development and build buy in to the outcomes.

4. Host the Community Energy Congress in Brisbane in 2032:

  • The last community Energy Congress was held in Melbourne in 2017 with over 700 attendees and 1100 with side events.
  • For more information Congress – C4CE 5. Climate positive Olympics 2032.


What is your organisation doing to create a better future?

Meetings with all 26 Brisbane City Councillors to advocate science based reduction target.


Read more about ZEBne's climate commitments here.