Women's & Children's Healthcare Australasia
Represented by Barb Vernon
How does your organisation address climate change?
WHA is a non-profit community of women’s hospitals and maternity units throughout Australia.
Established in 1994 by the then Chief Executives of the Women’s Hospitals to help staff of these services share information, WHA has since expanded into a vibrant community of more than 120 maternity hospitals and health services across Australia. Our members include the largest tertiary maternity services in capital cities through to the smallest rural and remote maternity services, and every type of service in between.
We understand that managers and clinicians involved in the care of women and newborns face similar challenges, despite each service being unique. We recognise that the expertise for addressing these common challenges, and for coming up with innovative solutions, lies within the member community.
Children’s Healthcare Australasia (CHA) is a non-profit community of Children’s Hospitals and Paediatric Units throughout Australia and New Zealand. Established in 1988 as the Association of Paediatric Teaching Hospitals, CHA has a long history of providing support to children’s hospitals and paediatric services, and facilitating sharing & learning among healthcare providers about best practice. Since 2011, we have been working under the name “Children’s Healthcare Australasia’ in recognition of the whole patient journey across healthcare settings.
What is your organisation doing to create a better future?
WCHA hosts virtual meetings with practical examples of successful emissions abatements projects and actions occurring in hospitals. We work with member hospitals to develop an emissions reduction dashboard, to help them to benchmark progress. We are developing a joint statement on the importance of climate action in the delivery of healthcare services.