Wyndham City Council
Represented by Fiona Stevenson, Coordinator Green Living
How does your organisation address climate change?
Wyndham City Council's actions to date that address climate change:
- Change-over of over 17,000 inefficient street lights to energy-efficient lights
- Installation of 87 solar systems across 69 buildings with a total capacity of 2.55MW
- 100% renewable electricity from 2022 through a Power Purchase Agreement.
Wyndham currently reports on emissions through the Global Covenant of Mayors and through our own State of the Environment Report.
What is your organisation doing to create a better future?
Through the Resilient Wyndham Strategy:
- Proportion of mode share for walking and cycling trips to triple by 2040 (Active Transport Strategy)
- Wyndham City Council operations are carbon neutral by 2023 (excluding the RDF)
- All new Council buildings are gas free (where appropriate electrical solutions exist)
- Council decision making aligns to the science-based targets in the Paris Agreement
- By 2030 all Council fleet passenger vehicles will be low or zero emission
- By 2030 all Council vehicle purchases will meet best practice emissions standards and use a carbon-neutral power source (where a fit for purpose option is available)
- By 2040 Wyndham has transitioned to become a zero-carbon community
- Halve household food waste to landfill by 2030
- 20% reduction in the waste we generate at home by 2030
- 90% of the waste we generate at home is kept out of landfill by 2040
- Wyndham residents are recycling right by 2030 (maximum 5% contamination)