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Our 21st Century Imperative: Next Economy Conversation Event

A series presented by the Small Giants Academy:

Fifty years ago, The New York Times published an essay by Milton Friedman which declared that a company’s only interest should be maximising the profits of its shareholders. This set the trajectory for our current economic system. Measurement of wellbeing and interdependence took a back seat to the endless accumulation of profit and individualism we now see where 26 people have the same amount of wealth as the rest of humanity, and the climate emergency is upon us. 

Imperative 21 is a global campaign calling for a reset. The movement represents more than 70,000 businesses, 20 million employees and $15 trillion in assets under management. The reset, amplified by the United Nations General Assembly, calls for accountability for our impact on all stakeholders, recognition of the interdependence of people, planet and our economy, and radical collaboration between the private sector, public leaders and citizens to build back better.

These global movements don’t happen without audacious vision and collective leadership. Jay Coen Gilbert's the co-chair of Imperative 21 and founder of B Lab. He is escalating the call for an economic reset and turning a lot of heads in the process."

Note: this was an online event

December 01, 2020 at 11:00am - 12:30pm (Melbourne time)
Jasmin Daly · 0413357822