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The Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Working Group represents organisations, coalitions, researchers, institutions, businesses, and community groups that support the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
Cathryn Eatock and Ray Minniecon co-convene the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Working Group. They are Better Futures Australia Champions and Co-Chairs of the Indigenous Peoples’ Organisation-Australia (IPO). This is a national coalition of 285 organisations and people advocating for the rights of Indigenous peoples. IPO addresses a wide range of concerns. The overarching foundation being the right to self-determination.
To celebrate National NAIDOC Week 2021, we hosted a free webinar series — Heal Country, Heal Climate, through Monday 5 - Friday 9 July. Visit our events page for more information and to view the recordings of each webinar. This is a critical dialogue exploring climate change impacts and solutions.
“My vision is for an Australia that recognises the national treasure it shares in the world’s oldest living Indigenous culture, Indigenous Australians, and to learn about the unique Indigenous land and water knowledge systems that will inform Australia’s climate change response.” — Virginia Marshall.
“As Australians, let us make a sacred affirmation and recognition together, to recognise our collective responsibility to care for our Mother Earth so that our future generations are not robbed or deprived of their rightful inheritance which is our responsibility to pass on to them, these same entitlements and benefits that our ancestors passed on to us for our benefit and enjoyment.” — Ray Minniecon.
"Australia needs to engage with experts and Aboriginal communities impacted in decision making around water and land management. Phase out extractive industries, including gas, fracking, and coal. Develop alternative energy employment opportunities to assist these regions to transition. Enact legislation that holds polluters of greenhouse gasses accountable to ensure prompt compliance." — Cathryn Eatock.
We would like to thank the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Working Group Convenors for their ongoing advice, thought leadership and support.
- Cathryn Eatock, Co-Chair of the Indigenous Peoples' Organisation - Australia
- Pastor Ray Minniecon, Executive Member of Indigenous Peoples’ Organisation - Australia and Director of Bunji Consultancies
- Dr Virginia Marshall, Executive Member of Indigenous Peoples’ Organisation - Australia and Inaugural Indigenous Postdoctoral Fellow at the Australian National University
- Karrina Nolan, Executive Director of Original Power
If you have interest in supporting this group, let us know at [email protected]
Other organisations participating in this working group include:
Australian National University
Bunji Consultancies
Indigenous Peoples' Organisation - Australia
Original Power