An impressive panel, including two authors of the Working Group III contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report, Mitigation of Climate Change, shared their perspectives on the solutions-focused IPCC report.
Panellists unpacked the choices the Mitigation of Climate Change report presents for Australian businesses and communities, including opportunities and implications of policy settings on industries and climate finance, and the role they see for emissions reduction and removal.
Australian business, community and government leaders know we need to do more if we are to avoid the worst impacts of climate change and harness zero-emissions opportunities. The expert panellists, working on climate change across various sectors, will share their views on the national climate policy settings we need to support Australians in this critical decade.
Panellists include:
Prof Jacqueline Peel - Director, Melbourne Climate Futures, University of Melbourne, and a leading, internationally-recognised expert in the field of environmental and climate change law. Her scholarship on these topics encompasses international, transnational and national dimensions, as well as interdisciplinary aspects of the law/science relationship in the environmental field and risk regulation.
Prof Frank Jotzo - Head of Energy at the ANU Institute for Climate Energy and Disaster Solutions and a Professor at Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU. His roles with the IPCC AR6 Report are as a lead author of the policy chapter and co-author of the Summary for Policymakers of Working Group III, and member of the core writing team of the Synthesis Report. Frank’s research spans economics and policy of climate change and energy, including decarbonisation, domestic policy choice and international dimensions of climate policy. He is joint editor-in-chief of the academic journal Climate Policy, has advised governments in Australia and international organisations, and contributed to policy assessments in countries in the Asia-Pacific.
Laura Hillis - Director of Corporate Engagement at the Investor Group on Climate Change and leads the regional implementation of Climate Action 100+ in Australia and New Zealand.
Dr Amanda Cahill - CEO of the Next Economy, supporting regional communities across Australia to manage changes in the energy sector in ways that stimulate local economic development.
Recording of the event: