Kate Charlesworth is a public health physician in Sydney. After working as a hospital doctor in Perth and Sydney, Kate completed much of her advanced training in the UK, including at the NHS Sustainable Development Unit in Cambridge. The SDU is a world-leading unit tasked with reducing the carbon footprint of England’s NHS. Since returning to Australia, Kate has completed a PhD in low-carbon healthcare, and now works in the NSW public health system as a medical specialist in environmentally sustainable healthcare – the first such position in Australia.
Kate has a number of additional roles, including as a health expert at the Climate Council, a member of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians’ Climate Change & Health Reference Group, a Fellow at the Centre for Policy Development and a Senior Lecturer at the School of Medicine, University of Notre Dame. She is also a member of the Australian Medical Association, Doctors for the Environment Australia and the Climate and Health Alliance.
See Dr Kate Charlesworth at the Better Futures Forum:
Wednesday 18 August, 12.30pm - 1.20pm AEST
BREAKOUT SESSION: Healthcare workers as part of the climate solution