Thanks to our partners at South Pole, the 2021 Better Futures Forum was a certified carbon neutral event.
The GHG footprint of the event totalled 3 tCO2e, with the majority of emissions coming from the delivery of the online event. This is equivalent to:
122Flights around the circumferenceof the world |
3,000m2 Arctic sea-ice lost(of September sea-ice area) |
145,833Pine trees needed to captureemissions for a whole year |
Via the team at South Pole, we retired 3 tCO2e of EcoAustralia carbon credits to offset the emissions of the event. EcoAustralia credits combine a Gold Standard emissions reduction project with an Australian biodiversity unit. The projects selected for the offset are:
If you'd like to get in touch with South Pole, or reach out about our climate-neutral event certification please message [email protected].
Photo credit: Josh Withers - Unsplash